Thursday, April 5, 2012

Call Me Rubin

My wife is a genius! This is a recurrent theme in my life, but this Christmas it really played itself out again (at least in this one way). She suggested that we get musical instruments for all the kids. They all have different musical predilections and we were able to set them up accordingly. Sam is on the guitar, Sophie on the bass guitar, Aiden on keyboard, Mack on drums and Mary is on piano to help her singing. We got them all into lessons (including voice for Mary) and have everyone in music of some sort, except for Jude. Now while he is quite a singer and very musically inclined, at four he’s just too young to invest in. Sorry, I don’t buy the whole, my kid is Amadeus crap. He’s just not ready but he is standing in the on deck circle. Don’t think I’m not leaving out my oldest, Seth. He wasn’t included in this round as he has moved out, would rather have cash for Christmas and we already got him into drums when he was younger. He has been covered already. I believe he is dabbling in some guitar and sound mixing now back in Omaha, but on his own dime. The seed was properly planted and is now growing.

I am really looking forward to jam sessions on the back patio around a fire pit, at holidays and any family occasions. Singing, playing, and creating away the night is a great way to spend family time. We’re giving them a foundation that will help them scholastically, socially and spiritually. We are forging a unique family bond scribed on our souls with the notes born of our own hearts.

Holy crap, who am I kidding, I am sitting on a freaking gold mine here. Let’s face it, my kids are really, really, really, really, ridiculously good looking and they all know how to turn left. I don’t want to be obnoxious, and I know that everyone thinks their kids are cute, but Amy and I make great looking humans. We have the whole band and more if I can convince Seth to join us with the mixing board or in the band.

Look at all the Idol, Voice and American Talent tripe that people are lapping up. We are coming out of a recession and it’s like the 70’s all over again. Now while I believe we should all hold hands and pray to the good Lord that disco doesn’t rise from its glittery ashes like some polyester clad zombie, I think America needs a family band. Don’t knock the Partridge or DeFranco families. I could promote, mentor and drive the bus like Rubin Kincaid and I’m damn sure Amy can gut, dress and mount a record company stooge in at least 28 seconds flat. There is a place for this kind of saccharine pop creation and it’s called the bank baby!

If the Monkeys can sell 13 million records then why can’t the Asynchronous Luby Experiment? Don’t like that name? How about the Lubonic Plague? No, that’s too death metal. What about the Electric Luby Orchestra? No that’s been done. I’m damn sure not going the Hanson route with just Luby or the Luby Family Singers which is just too Grand Ole Opry or Sound of Music for my taste. How about Luby in the Sky with Diamond? No too drug culture for my kids, which automatically rules out the Bare Naked Lubys (even though Jude could contribute some awesome album cover art). Well, I’m open to suggestions, so while I don’t know the name of the band yet, you can definitely call me Rubin.

1 comment:

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